Eye Diseases & Conditions

Eye Diseases & Conditions

Eye Diseases & Conditions

Eye Diseases & Conditions

Eye Diseases & Conditions

Dr. Schultz Focuses on Total Body Health & Wellness As Seen Through the Eyes

“In general many people have the misconception that their eyes are disconnected from their bodies. That’s a myth that is perpetuated by insurance carriers who continue to offer vision plans separate and apart from general health plans,” says Dr. Gregory Schultz, an optometrist who has been specializing in ocular disease for 21 years.

Signs Your Child May Have Amblyopia

Most children should have their eyes examined at six months of age, at three-years-old, before they start school, and every other year thereafter. During these routine eye exams, an eye care professional will check your child’s eyes for a number of conditions to ensure your child see’s properly.

Diabetes in the Eye

If you have diabetes, it’s crucial to watch your diet and blood sugar. Eye care should also be at the top of your priority list since people who are diagnosed with diabetes are more susceptible to having diabetes of the eye.

Glaucoma Care

Glaucoma is a very dangerous condition of the eye that can result in vision loss if it is left untreated.  The progression of the disease cannot be reversed, but it can be slowed and prevented from worsening.  There are several different types of glaucoma, but open angle glaucoma is by far the most common.  Angle closure glaucoma is also important, more due to its severity than its frequency. At the Eye Center of Virginia, we offer glaucoma care.

Reducing the Risk of Macular Degeneration

With years of combined experience and a dedication to the most advanced eye care and vision correction options, we are proud to be your choice local eye doctors in Williamsburg.

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